Unity Amidst Adversity: 4Wings' Statement Regarding the anti-migrant riots in the UK
In the words of Audre Lorde,
“It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognise, accept, and celebrate those differences.”
Recently, a horrific incident occurred in Southport where three young girls were tragically stabbed, and others were seriously injured. This shocking event has left us all in a state of disbelief and sorrow. Unfortunately, in the aftermath, while we were trying to process this incident, violent racist and Islamophobic riots broke out across the country, including in Liverpool, a city known for its sanctuary and inclusivity.
These riots and acts of looting have instilled fear and anxiety in us, making us apprehensive about exercising our fundamental right to walk freely on our streets. The focus has sadly shifted from the innocent victims of the stabbings (Rest in Peace) to violent reactions, largely based on misinformation, and the targeting of individuals based on their skin colour. This has been fueled and enabled by anti-migrant rhetoric that has been pedaled by politicians over the years. Complex societal issues that have resulted from Government decisions and actions of other public agencies are blamed on migrants.
The far-right may claim to speak for the British people, but their actions do not reflect the sentiments of the majority. Counterprotests, widespread condemnation, communities speaking out, coming together to clean up, and standing in solidarity to protect mosques are testament to this. The actions of one individual should not be used to stereotype an entire demographic.
At 4Wings, we stand against racism and are for equality and inclusion. While we are currently closed for face-to-face sessions due to these challenging times, we remain committed to supporting all women and their families, including refugees, asylum-seeking women, and other vulnerable migrants. You can engage with us by:
- Sending a direct message on our Instagram (@4wings1uk), Facebook (@4wings1)
- Ringing/texting: 074 9809 2402
- Emailing: info@4wings.co.ukor
- Messaging us on WhatsApp if you are part of our “Engaging” Group.
One of 4Wings’ core projects is “Storytelling”. We believe in the power of real stories to empower and unify. False narratives are destructive, but sharing authentic experiences can foster understanding and bridge divides.
As we navigate through these challenging times, let’s remember Audre Lorde’s words, “It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognise, accept, and celebrate those differences.” Let’s stand together, united in our diversity.
Our vision is a society where all women are EMPOWERED to raise their voices, INCLUDED AND INTEGRATED INTO THE COMMUNITY, and have ACCESS to equal opportunities to achieve personal and financial independence.
Empower, support, encourage, coach, inspire, uplift, and educate women and their families to live economically and socially exemplary lives.
We work with women from diverse communities, delivering a range of creative and interactive activities and workshops that enable women to become economically active and personally fulfilled.
4Wings is a charitable organisation that offers a supportive and safe environment to socially excluded and marginalised groups who have experienced trauma, abuse and displacement. The organisation has a good track record of making a difference to socially isolated women from diverse backgrounds who are survivors of abuse and trauma.
4Wings members are at the centre of the organisation’s planning, delivering and evaluating of services. Our services are free, open, dialogical and flexible to be shaped and altered according to immediate and ongoing feedback from our members.
At 4Wings, we recognize the power of collaborative effort and community-based, holistic approaches to well-being. We have developed strong links with other organizations that work towards supporting inclusion and community well-being. We encourage our members to access not only the services at 4Wings, but also to engage with other groups and services. This collaboration aims to achieve sustainability and meet the long-term health and well-being needs of our members.
Our team is highly qualified and equipped to respond to a range of aesthetic, emotional and self-actualization needs in an anti-oppressive way. We feel that it is vitally important that when we invite people to share their personal narratives, we take on the responsibility to create a safe atmosphere and if any unduly distress occurs during the creative workshops, we could offer individual Counselling and Support at 4Wings.
Our office is localised in the city centre and close to transportation links, which makes it approachable and easy to access from different parts of the city, and it is more convenient to women seeking to be unidentified by their communities, especially those who suffered from domestic abuse.
Our services are free, open, dialogical and flexible to be shaped and altered according to immediate and ongoing feedback from our members.

We had a very informative visit from three Constables from the Merseyside area.
They joined us in the office, to teach us about their jobs and what they do in their units, as well as to inform the ladies on how to reach out to the police, and how to respond to a hate crime. All the Constables represented different units, including Community Engagement Unit and Neighbourhood Policing.
Thank you for your time Constables Wendy 6491, Sewoo 5443, and Sung 6230.
Celebrating New Year
Last week we had dentist Khaleda Shah and doctor Magda Nasher at 4Wings drop in. Xyz gave a presentation on dental hygiene and answered questions from the women.
In 4Wings, We have adapt our services to offer support online on Zoom platform and our Youtube channel (4Wings Happy News Channel).
We support women all around Merseyside so they can give their best in whatever they want to achieve
4Wings' women celebrating women's day
Our Projects
We are highly qualified, experienced and passionate about what we do, our aim is to support individuals who have experienced trauma, migration and displacement.
Through our projects we raise awareness of asylum seeking and refugee women’s struggles and celebrate their strength and resilience. Women are supported in a safe, equal and non-judgemental, women-only space where they gain the emotional support of a family, and friendship of other women.
Women are welcomed and inspired to appreciate cultural diversity through creative and personal development activities and encouraged to find their own voice in the group and take pride in their achievements.
Our programs adhere to principles of anti-discriminatory practice, respect for human dignity, commitment to empower and liberate (GSCC, 2002) and aim to contribute to individual and group transformation.
The development of this collective voice and awareness will promote women’s fundamental human rights and develop a healthy democratic society. One that focuses on rebuilding self-esteem, increasing self-worth, enabling self-efficacy, and options building for the next step in their lives and ultimately breaking the cycle of victimisation.
We are providing volunteering opportunities to our members and to college and university students.
The Outreach work accesses those in the most deprived and marginalized areas where services and specialized support are scarce.
Likewise, the Creative Workshops encourage women to explore and express their experiences
Our Events
Our members comment that the environment at 4Wings is safe and organic, where all members are supported not only by programme facilitators but also by numerous other 4Wings members and communities.

Phone: +44 151 703 6753
Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday (10:30-16:30)
Email: info@4wings.co.uk
Company Number: 08514509
2nd Floor|Suite 5|Church House
1 Hanover Street
L1 3DN